It’s only the beginning of 2013, and I’ll bet for some of you it’s already starting to look eerilly similar to 2012. Same dull, unproductive meetings. Same non-emergency emergencies. Same stuff, different day. If this is how you’re seeing things, your work life probably looks pretty dreadful to you.
- Learn to say no. If you’re calendar and life are insane, that’s your responsibility. For example, are you on a committee that fills you with dread at the mere thought of it? Resign. Don’t try to persevere through it. Resign. You won’t win any contests for angelic behavior by staying in a situation where you aren’t your best. Chances are that, at this point, there’s somebody who can bring more energy and enthusiasm than you, so get off, open up your schedule, and give someone else an opportunity.
- Ask more questions. Don’t just take orders. For example, when somebody asks you to do something ASAP, ask for a specific time and date deadline. You will be amazed at how much confusion and misspent energy can be avoided by using this simple tactic.
- Initiate. Don’t wait. Sitting behind your computer hoping for something to change is folly. So make up your mind to do something constructive. Be the first to help when it comes to improving a situation or a relationship. Take the risk of trying to make things better. And for heaven’s sake, decide to work on your own behavior before you even think about how someone else is behaving.