Nov 7, 2009


A gracious hello ~

Welcome to my very first blog post. I hope you will enjoy reading and responding to the thoughts and information planted here as much as I will enjoy writing them.

Since the professional world I live in is based on human behavior in organizations and the communication skills we bring to those organizations, you can expect to find that type of information here. You will also find questions from me, because particularly when it comes to human behavior, I surely have more questions than answers.

I hope you will join me in posting information civilly and clearly. There's enough nastiness flying around the Internet; we don't need this blog to contribute to it. All of you who have followed my thinking and writing know how much I value practicality, particularly when it is wrapped in optimism and kindess. May we have fierce, stimulating, professional discussions on this blog, and may we remember we are all subject to human emotion. I ask you to think before you post.

I can't wait to see how our conversations develop. I hope we can help each other in our quest to build better organizations, develop stronger professional relationships, and find happiness in our day to day working lives.

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