Apr 30, 2010

Blackberry Fantasies

There’s nothing like a few days out of town to invigorate thinking and observation. In my case, watching people in Las Vegas got my brain going about connections. From conference attendees to tourists to off-duty employees, it seemed as though everyone had their heads bowed over their Blackberries. Some were walking, some leaning against the walls of the resort, some standing in the middle of the corridor. All appeared to be completely oblivious to their surroundings.

I have to wonder if this is a good thing. As a business person, I understand the importance of being connected. As a human being, however, I also understand the value of being where I am, rather than in cyberspace. I know this for sure: when you’re connected 24/7, you’re missing beauty, humanity, and real life.

Surely there is a middle path we can walk.

1 comment:

  1. Gina ConstantMay 06, 2010

    Funny - we were in Las Vegas last weekend and I accidentally left my Blackberry on my desk. For 4 days I felt like I was missing an appendage. But my husband told me everyday how nice it was that I didn't have my Blackberry and he had my full attention. I hadn't thought about it that way!
