Jun 26, 2012

Six Minutes on Motivation

One of the best things about my work is that I get to associate with really smart people, which is precisely what I did at the Verasage Institute's conference on pricing for professionals in Las Vegas. 
The last morning of the conference, Verasage guru Ron Baker invited/challenged me to do a six-minute talk on the topic of my choice. I turned him down at first, and had plenty of excuses. "I'm not prepared." "I'm dressed for traveling, not speaking."  "I'm not tall enough." Yes, I actually thought that. What it came down to, of course, was the fear of looking ridiculous.
Finally, though, my desire to be heard overcame my fear. Here is the result: six minutes on the true nature of motivation. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.  
The next time somebody offers you an opportunity, maybe you'll remember this video and be motivated to scare yourself just a little. 


  1. Good job, Melinda. Not an easy thing to do but you executed it beautifully.

  2. Thanks, Len. It was harder than I expected, given that I speak a lot. Hell, I can barely tell an audience what day it is in six little minutes.
